Compare all Pay As You Go (PAYG) plans
starting from $2.99 /month
Start now with a Local or toll free phone number for home, Business.
Replace your existing land line and keep your phone number.
Feel stuck with land line phone company's fees?
Getting gougede by those companies for every feature that you want?
Get all calling features for Free, no additional charges, no commitments, no contracts.
Use your existing phone equipment; corded or wireless or use softphone from anywhere (SKYPE like).
Ideal usage of Voice over Internet (VoIP) phone
- Replace existing land line phone (request the transfer (porting) of existing number)
- Keep existing phone number!
- Keep existing cell (Mobile) phone number!
- Second home phone or Teenager's own phone
- Home office usage
- Canada/USA wide calling for the same low cost.
- Need local phone number to get family or business call; Get a phone for any City in Canada and USA.
Click here to signup now.
1800 Toll Free
All you need is a high-speed Internet connection and Voice over Internet Phone service.
Web Phone offers Cheapest rates, top quality, plus 20+ Free features and service choices.